Index >> Blogs>> AI will make you not exist       Posted on SpaceHey 8/29/23 Updated 12/20/23

AI will make you not exist
Imagine a future where you you have to prove to everyone that you're not AI. No forreal think about it.

You can't even do a video or voice or picture of yourself because AI has gotten so good that it looks as real as real can be and now we no longer know who's real and who's just advanced AI. It's already happening just look at Facebook half of this site are now bots and with AI getting better the bots are now getting so good that they type like they are human. Yes I know the more experienced can spot an AI but, even those people are starting to get tricked and the normals don't know anything.

Just look at any comment section where people who are confused by what someone say just say that person is just AI, even though that person is real but that same person gets tricked by AI and/or bots. The future where the AI you is more believable than the actual you. You can no longer prove yourself to be you unless you either pay or give up your personal biometrics to big tech or big brother.

This is the Dystopian we've been warned about and it's finally here and people are just willing to let it happen with no resistance.


A clipart picture of a robot from Wikipedia


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