Index >> Blogs>> The DIY Internet maybe making a comeback       Posted on SpaceHey 8/14/23 Updated 12/20/23

The DIY Internet maybe making a comback
I've noticed with the Internet dying aka Social Medias making poor choices. I have noticed an increase in people making their own websites again. Not just with smaller site makers like Neocities but even larger ones like Squarespace or even making their own sites from scratch with HTML. Mostly artist and Independent musicians who are getting butt fucked algorithmically on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Especially on Instagram as of recently. Once single places to interact with fans and getting your work out there is being thrown away for corporate interest.

I have noticed a lot of Artist and Independent Musicians I follow have made their own websites now. Yes they still have Certain Social media but now it seems like more than ever the Internet is fracturing into a more DIY Internet again. I never thought I would see RSS readers making a comeback but, recently I have seen some people starting to use them again. Which make sense since a Centralized internet seems to be coming to an end soon with Places like Twitter and Reddit already falling apart. I never thought I would see so many people push for more Early Internet UIs that is fast and snappy instead of this bloat flat boring UIs we have now

Maybe just maybe this Collapse of centralized Social Media is the kick in the pants the internet needs again to go back to its DIY roots.

Edit: I noticed that a lot of new kind of small social media sites are allowing CSS and HTML again. Like example Spacehey but apparently place like CoHost allow it and carrd allows CSS. Further solidifying that the old net and diy internetcore is making a comback.




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